Digital Medicine Research & Development in Low-Resource Settings
December 8, 2021
Brinnae Bent
Digital Health Data Scientist at Edge Analytics
Santosh Shevade
Healthcare Consultant
Christopher James
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Director, Biomedical Engineering Institute at University of Warwick
Amy Sheon
Senior Fellow at The National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Isaac R. Rodriguez-Chavez
Senior Vice President, Scientific & Clinical Affairs at ICON Plc
Discussion Topic
COVID-19 has highlighted the inequity in digital medicine, specifically in low-resource settings. In this webinar, we bring experts Dr. Brinnae Bent, Dr. Christopher James, and Santosh Shevade together to discuss challenges that affect how digital medicine is implemented in low-resource settings, and current limitations in usability evaluation and research implementation that are further exacerbating disparities in digital medicine. The discussion will focus on the need to have patients as partners and will highlight recommendations on implementing research in low-resource settings. Equity in digital medicine is critical to the success of the field, and viewers will come away from the webinar with a better understanding of the current state of digital medicine in low-resource settings, and ways in which research and development can become more equitable.
December 2021 Webinar Slide Deck