Membership Benefits

Advance digital medicine. Redefine healthcare. Join DiMe.

Community Building
Join one of DiMe’s research projects committed to advancing Digital Medicine, or, if you don’t see one you like, members can suggest a new one!
Connect with colleagues across all disciplines in digital medicine through DiMe’s slack channel
Find qualified candidates for open positions in your company. DiMe members post job openings for free in our career center
Participate in the FDA’s network of experts or our own Expert Speaker Directory

Communication and Education
Attend, in real-time, webinars from experts throughout the scientific community
Attend journal clubs in an ‘Ask Me Anything’ style meeting with the author of relevant papers
- Attend a workshop hosted by DiMe leadership
Work on public comments to be submitted US Federal government with other experts
Submit content to our blog
- Stay up to date with the latest in digital medicine by subscribing to our monthly member update