DiMe Sensor Data Integrations Resources for Data Consumers
Do you work in the healthcare industry and rely upon sensor data to drive your objectives and decision-making? Are you a clinician, researcher, healthcare administrator, payer or regulator? Or do you work for a health technology assessment (HTA) body or public health agency?
If so, the DiMe Sensor Data Integrations team has developed four interactive toolkits and a glossary to help you capture value from sensor-generated data so that, with the appropriate permissions, you can readily access it and use it to make better decisions, faster.

Sensor Data Architecture Toolkit
Review the blueprint for the sensor data architecture supporting your access to reliable and trustworthy sensor data for decision-making. This defines the ecosystem-level strategy for capturing value from the sensor data you are consuming irrespective of platform, operating system, file structure, or database technology. |
Browse this library of data architectures successfully implementing our logical data architecture. Each one shows a different way that the types of sensor data that you are seeking to use have been successfully integrated into the health data ecosystem to power decision-making. |
Use this interactive design tool to map the data flow from the connected sensor technology to you to power your decision-making in health care and research. |
Sensor Data Standards Toolkit
Interactive Landscape of Standards Access all of the standards relevant to sensor data integrations in this interactive landscape tool so you can start 1) deploying them, and 2) requesting upstream partners to deploy them so that sensor data is most valuable for your decision-making in health care and research. |
Search this database of standards for those that apply to you and your upstream partners as you build systems, approaches, and strategic partnerships for successful sensor data integrations. |
If you’re developing a standard that should be added to our landscape, or know of one we’ve missed, submit it for review and inclusion. |
Organizational Readiness for Sensor Data Integrations Toolkit
Are you curious about the capabilities of high-performing organizations reaping the benefits of sensor data for decision-making in health care and research? View this model to guide your sensor data integration strategy. |
Capabilities Maturity Calculator Are you curious about your organizational preparedness for using sensor data to inform your decision-making? Use this self-assessment tool to benchmark your preparedness and guide you to the right resources to advance. |
Sensor Data Implementation Toolkit
For sensor data to drive better decisions, faster, in healthcare and research, sensor-generated data must be accessible, relevant, and trustworthy (ART). Review the five criteria critical to delivering ART sensor data for your decision-making. |
Considerations and Best Practices Do you want to learn more about implementing the ART Criteria to optimize your use of sensor-generated data for decision-making? Review short ‘cheat sheets’ of key considerations and best practices aligned with each criterion. |
‘ART’ Criteria Prioritization Tool Each time you use sensor data to inform a decision, the context is different. Use this tool to help optimize your approach to using sensor data to meet the needs of your team and systems. |
This toolkit is not optimized for mobile, please visit the full catalog of resources here, or view on desktop.