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Join us! On Feb. 25 at 11 a.m. ET DiMe will host a public launch event for The Playbook: Pediatric Digital Medicine. Don't miss the opportunity for a first look and overview of DHT innovation in pediatrics!

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Resources in Action Hub

Learn how DiMe resources position our community to redefine healthcare and improve lives

DiMe’s Resources in Action Hub spotlights how leaders, innovators, and digital enthusiasts use DiMe’s work to advance the use of digital medicine to redefine healthcare and improve lives.

Browse our Hub to learn about the:


Resource in Action examples


Teams sharing how they’ve adopted DiMe work


Case studies-including one-pagers, video clips, and more


Citations of DiMe publications in academic literature

DiMe’s Impact by the Numbers

8 of the top 15 pharmaceutical companies (by revenue) have shared a case study on how a DiMe resource have helped them solve a problem

4 of the top 12 pharmaceutical companies (by revenue) have shared case studies on how they use The Playbook: Digital Clinical Measures Edition

Over 300 DiMe Project Collaborators from organizations across the industry have contributed to the development of DiMe resources

DiMe’s V3 Framework – and its extension, V3+ – has been accessed over 30,000 times and leveraged by over 130 teams, including NIH, FDA, and EMA.

Over 100 uses of DiMe-developed definitions, including the definitions of digital medicine and virtual first care (V1C).

Want to see more? View full infographic of DiMe’s Impact

    Last updated August 14, 2024

    DiMe Case Studies

    DiMe’s case hub spotlights how teams drive impact using DiMe resources in their work. Browse the cases from leaders in the field below and to learn how you can start leveraging DiMe resources in action today.

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